Did you know that November 15th, the 319th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (320th day on a leap year), marks another America Recycles Day?

America Recycles Day, a Keep America Beautiful initiative, is the only nationally-recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States. Thousands of communities across the country celebrate this day by participating and promoting events to increase and improve recycling in America.

When you partner with COPS Paper Shredding for your document destruction services, you’re contributing to recycling in your community!


The paper from each bin that’s emptied into our trucks and shredded on-site at your location is taken to our parent company, Midwest Fiber Recycling, where it’s processed and sold to mills as a raw material in the manufacturing of new products.

With COPS’ state-of-the-art shredding technology, any traces of confidential information are destroyed before we leave your location, which leaves the recyclable remnants data-free!

Besides diverting material from the landfill, does recycled paper really benefit the environment?

Let’s look at a sample amount of 10,000 pounds of shredded paper. When this paper goes through the recycling process as recovered fiber, it can ultimately impact the environment by saving 70 trees, 

20,000-kilowatt-hours, 35,000 gallons of water, 1,900 gallons of oil, and more!

The COPS team is here to help you keep your data secure and increase your green footprint! Learn more about the services we provide by visiting us online or call us at (309) 452-0064.

Thanks for reading, and have a great America Recycles Day!

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